In line with that development, an Audio-lingual Approach to language teaching was largely replaced by a Communicative Approach. During the 1980s a narrowly structural view of language was replaced by more holistic and dynamic models of language competence. Its rise reflects a shift in how linguists view language competence itself. The Communicative Approach to foreign language teaching first became popular in the early 1980s, and by now it has become a dominant approach in Europe, North America and Australia, as well as increasingly in Asia.

What lends the study special interest is that it examines that teaching through the lense of a Communicative Approach. This chapter by Imelda Wahyuni examines the teaching of Arabic and English at a State Islamic Institute (IAIN) in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi. PCX - Report-Buku Islam Indonesia Pasca Reformasi.pdf Text (ImageMagick conversion from other to application/pdf)ġ0.